Standard Machinery
We have the privilege of being a dealer of machines from our partners Jean Perrot, Bihler, Nidec-Minster and Numalliance and represent these brands in Scandinavia.
Standard machinery
As a distributor of Jean Perrot, Nidec-Minster, Bihler and Numalliance, we offer a wide range of standard machines.
We assist you in finding the machine that best suits your needs and situation, as well as with installation, service, and support once the machine is in place.
We offer technical advice and support in machine sales and service of:
- High-speed processing machines for strip and wire
- Automatic assembly machines
- Wire bending / wire processing machines
- Spring-making machines
- Presses
- Strip bending / strip processing machines
- Pipe bending / tube processing machines
On February 15th, 2019, it was decided that Axelent Industriteknik AB will gradually take over BEP Teknik AB’s agencies. The takeover took place gradually during 2019-2020. BEP Teknik focuses on sales of quality machines in the fields of wire, pipe, strip, sheet metal and automatic assembly.

Jean Perrot
Jean-Perrot, based in France, is a company specialising in the design, manufacture and sale of sheet metal working machinery and equipment. Their product offering includes a range of high-quality press brakes, which are designed to meet the requirements of various industrial sectors, including automotive, aerospace, construction and many others.

Bihler is a renowned global company specialising in innovative manufacturing solutions for various industries. With a rich history spanning several decades, Bihler has established itself as a trusted partner for companies seeking advanced automation, precision engineering and high-quality production processes. Bihler is a world-leading system supplier for stamping and forming, welding and assembly technology.
Bihler machines are well known for their precision, reliability and ability to handle complex production tasks with ease. The core of Bihler’s expertise lies in their unique Bihler technology, a pioneering approach that integrates mechanical, electrical and software development.

Nidec Press & Automation är en division inom Nidec Corporation och specialiserar sig på att erbjuda avancerade automatiska presslösningar till metallformningsindustrin. Deras utbud inkluderar:
- Pressautomationssystem
- Högeffektiva servopressar
- Kontroll- och mjukvarulösningar

Numalliance är en ledande global leverantör av högprecisionsmaskiner och integrerade lösningar för tråd- och rörindustrin. Deras produktportfölj inkluderar CNC-trådbockningsmaskiner, rörbockningsmaskiner och laserskärsystem, alla designade för att möta de högsta kraven på precision och effektivitet. Numalliances maskiner är kända för sin mångsidighet, pålitlighet och avancerade automationskapacitet, vilket möjliggör komplexa och precisa tråd- och rörformningsoperationer.