We are proud sponsors for Gislaveds Symfoniorkester

Gislaveds symfoniorkester

Sponsorship Gislaveds Symfoniorkester

At Axelent Engineering we believe it is important to have a social commitment and participation in local sports and cultural life. One of the activities we sponsor is the symphony orchestra in Gislaved. A symphony orchestra of this kind is unique in Sweden, which we are proud to sponsor.


The symphony orchestra is based on the Gislaveds Orkesterförening, which was formed in 1934 and consisted of members of brass bands, dance orchestras, and some string musicians. The first concert was held in 1935 where Mendelsohn’s Högtidsmarsch and Haydn’s Militärsymfoni were performed. Bengt Eurén has led the orchestra for four decades, starting in 1952. The core of the orchestra consists of music teachers at Gislaved’s music school and locally based amateur musicians, supplemented when necessary by students at the aesthetic high school. Today the orchestra consists of about 60 musicians. Different conductors collaborate with the orchestra to get different approaches to music and develop.

Concerts with guest performers

Since 2011, the orchestra has been called the Gislaved Symfoniorkester. Four to five times a year, the orchestra holds classical, pop/rock and New Year concerts. Then the concert has more famous guest artists participating, where some examples of participants are everything from The Real Group, Loa Falkman and Orsa Spelmän to Malin Broman and Peter Johansson.